
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Welfare Square

Yesterday our family adventured all the way to Salt Lake City for a tour of the LDS church's Welfare Square.
And it was pretty cool.

At Welfare Square they make bread, cheese, chocolate milk, and sends them all to people in need. We walked through the dairy and bakery. We were given samples of the cheese and jam. And guys, the Welfare jam is truly delicious.

However, I was a little disappointed that we weren't taken to the area where they store all the physical goods of clothing, wheelchairs, and other life necessities. That's what I really wanted to see; but apparently that's not part of the tour. Darn it.

However, I did learn that 70% to 80% of items given to Deseret Industries are never sold. That's right! I know you thought those worn out shoes your dog chewed up would fetch a pretty penny at the DI, but they don't. Instead, all the usable items not sold in DI stores are shipped throughout the world to people who aren't as picky (i.e. they really need them). Pretty cool knowing all the sheet sets I gave away because they didn't match my decor (and yes, I realize that sounds super materialistic) will probably end up in Ghana or Chile to keep someone warm.

Well, as warm as a sheet can keep someone. But you get my drift.

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